Gresford and District War Memorial Trust

High Sheriff of Clwyd Community Awards

On March 10th, Val Shields and I, were invited to attend an award ceremony at Theatre Clwyd.  The High Sheriff of Clwyd, Mr Jim O ‘Toole DL, was presenting awards to recognise the work of volunteers and organisations across North East Wales.

The event was attended by the Deputy Sheriff, the Lord Lieutenant for Clwyd, the Superintendent of North Wales Police, Judge R. Rowlands, Assembly members, Mayors and representatives of many organisations, including AVOW who put Val’s name forward for an award.

Tamara Harvey, the Artistic Director of Theatre Clwyd, spoke about Val’s contribution to our community and beyond; from her work as a JP to her passionate interest in the Quilters’ Guild, Gresford Craft Group, Gresford Trust, Gresford Playgroup, the Community Library, IMAGE and the Oxfam shop.  These are just a few of the many organisations where Val’s contribution has been very much valued.

Val has a wide range of interests, a very positive attitude and great energy.  She is young at heart, innovative and is always looking to the future. Her latest support is for a project to help older people with computer classes and she herself is a very competent ‘silver surfer’. She is also organising this year’s Village festival and would appreciate any help from people who live in the village.

We think her contribution to our village is to be admired and we congratulate her on her prestigious award. It is very well deserved.


Margaret Heaton
Vice President of Gresford Trust